Sunday, August 10, 2014

Risk stepping into the unknown, it could be magic.

This morning’s homily focused on taking risks, which provided an excellent topic for my reflection on my summer.  When I graduated, I had no idea how uncomfortable “the unknown” would be, and I learned a lot about that very quickly.  The more people I reached out to, and who reached back to me led me to constant lessons about post-grad life, and how different it looks for everyone.

Everyone I meet, and tell about my coming trip to Sweden, asks if I’m excited to go.  I nod enthusiastically, because who wouldn’t want to go to Sweden?  And its true, but I am also terrified as well.  I am temporarily moving to a country that I know nothing about, okay, very little about, where I only have email contacts, and I don’t know the language.  What will become of me?
           The homily that was given after the gospel of Jesus walking on water and Peter doubting and nearly drowning was one that was spoke to me deeply.  I have had so many experiences this summer of taking a risk, going somewhere alone, making the effort to talk to a stranger in the hopes that I would find some comfort in their interaction, and I was always pleasantly surprised. 
          This summer, I was able to join many families and those days surrounded with people made my solitude something that I grew to love.  The time I spent alone in a house too big for one person became times that I was able to reflect upon how lucky I have been. 

           I took a risk, I had faith, and God blessed me in so many ways.  So now, two weeks before I embark on one of the biggest adventures of my life (so far), I’ll have faith that the Swedes are a kind people, and that smiling is a universal language, and I’ll go, trusting in the Lord.

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