Sunday, August 31, 2014

Breathe... Week 2

Hopefully this week will be better than my first few days!  Past fellows will know what I’m feeling, and as for next years fellows, if you’re reading this, be prepared. It’s not easy, but it will get better. :)
I’m looking forward to starting my work with SveDem. 

I attended mass this morning at St. Eric’s, and it was in swedish, but never before was I grateful to know the mass parts in Latin.  4000 miles from home and I am still able to understand what is being said.  Magic.  Thank you to Kelly and LAS!  Thank you for teaching me Latin.  I’m eternally grateful.   It was comforting to know that somewhere else, someone was saying the same thing, hearing the same words I was, although they may have been in another language.

There is something so amazing about the Catholic faith and I felt the connection with the people sitting around me regardless of my inability to say the correct response.

I’ve been reading about SveDem, and I am reminded about why I am here.  I wish to make the world a better place, I wish to care for those who are in need, and SveDem’s research can help me figure out where to start.

During the SveDem team meeting I went to on Friday, I showed up an hour and a half early because I’m still figuring out how to interpret 24 hour time, it appears I cannot add very well :P, the team asked what I would like to do during my six weeks here.  After hearing all of the different things that each member of the team does, I simply said, “ I would like to learn as much as possible from each of you”.  I can learn something from everyone, and each part of his or her work for the registry is important and necessary!

I got to talk to my parents last night, which was much needed.
I’ve received such support from my family and friends at home in these first few days, and I would just like to say thank you!  I love miss you all!

Hej då från Sverige!

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