Thursday, August 21, 2014

On leaving places, and coming home.

I’ve left a lot of places in the last year.  I left home for my final year of college, and when we graduated, I left the city I grew to love over four years.
I moved to a new city, desperate to figure out life and yearning to be on my own.
Yesterday, I left the home I made there.
I left my neighbors and friends who became my family, I left my boyfriend, and the comfort and convenience that I had grown accustomed to. 

Each time I leave somewhere it feels like I’m leaving home, and yet, wherever I go, I am comfortable.  It’s nice to leave your heart in different places, therefore you’ll always be home.

Next week, I’m going to leave the country. It’s not real yet, but I’m sure when I get to the airport I’ll feel a little bit of panic and want to turn around.  It's not the adventure that scares me, it is the ‘not having a home yet’ part of this. 

The coming weeks will pose one of the biggest challenges for me, as I felt the beginning of the summer did, (living alone after being surrounded by people is a HUGE change.)  I will not yet have a home in Stockholm, but hopefully I will find a home and be okay with leaving a piece of my heart there. 

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