Monday, September 15, 2014

The grey area, the grey matter.

I’ve been in Sweden for almost 3 weeks now, and it seems like it’s been a lot more.  I’ve settled into a routine, and know my way around Hökarängen and Huddinge, but I never fail to get lost in T-Centralen.  It is expansive and whenever I find myself there I feel like it's a new station. 

I am struggling to write about what I’ve learned because there is simply so much.  I’m learning more about the epidemiology and pathology of Alzheimer’s disease than I ever thought I could, and discovering that instead of finding answers to the questions I have, I’m just finding more questions.  :P  Such is the life of research I guess.

So much of this project, this disease, involves the grey matter, the grey areas in our decisions, the in-between, the unsure, the unknown.

There are so many ethical dilemmas to consider when caring for someone with AD or Dementia, and last night I met a Flemish guy (from Belgium) who talked with me about how euthanasia is legal in Belgium, and that there are discussions around whether or not a person with dementia should be able to choose that. 
This really got me thinking, and numerous ethical dilemmas popped into my head and then I had the thought that humans are trying to play God.  That scares me, and I dislike it, so naturally I put those thoughts aside for the moment and enjoyed the rest of the Fika I was at last night. 

I met some really cool people!  There are so many fascinating adventures in the people around us!  Who will you have the privilege of meeting?

Hej då från Sverige!

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