Friday, June 27, 2014

On health care... and wanderlust.

Today I was attempting to finish The American Health Care Paradox, and it was going very slowly, but I did find a documentary to watch, (bonus!) so I’ll write about that next week!

In other news, I may have found a place to stay in Stockholm, YAY! :D
Okay, back to our health care system.

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Our country seems to be very good at this.  We talk about wanting to improve our health care system yet we cannot escape the grips of our need for money.  We want to have an equitable society, but how do we expect to do that unless we let go of capitalism.  (That’s not happening anytime soon. At least I don’t think so…)

But here’s to dreaming!  I’d like to think that someday, I will change our world for the better. 

Below is a quote I found in The American Health Care Paradox which I find very interesting:
“If our system was honest with itself, it doesn’t want you to die and it doesn’t want you to get well.  It just wants you to keep coming back for your care.”
- Journalist Shannon Brownlee
It’s actually from the documentary Escape Fire which I will be watching later today. J

Check out the trailer for the documentary on the right side of my page!

Finding this documentary makes me miss the community I had last summer at Xavier, and makes me miss being in Brockman Hall with my fellow SSI interns.   Sharing a documentary like this was something that always brought excellent discussions, many frustrations, and best of all, a call to action. 

On the subject of wanderlust, I’m finding my excitement to see Sweden and Amsterdam growing each day.  I’ve been reading my fellow fellow’s blogs about their travels and it ignites my desire to see the world.  That “closeted adventurer” within me is dying to get out and see the world.  I’m so lucky I get to travel.

I have to remind myself that. I am lucky. What new college grad gets to do what they want for the summer and then travel to two amazing countries?

I was thinking earlier today, “why isn’t there a Buzzfeed quiz for ‘What grad program should you go into?’ for me to take to help me figure out my future.  I wish life was easy like that.” :P

Life isn’t easy.  It is an adventure.   
“Our lives are not our own.  From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present.”

- Cloud Atlas

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